Xavier Olive research teaching python blog til cli

Past news

(since 2020)


December 2, 2024 – I will serve as opponent to the licentiate thesis of Lucie Smetanová at the Department of Science and Technology of Linköping University in Norrköping, Sweden.

September 9, 2024 – I will serve in the jury for Jan Krummen’s Master Thesis at the Center for Aviation at ZHAW. The thesis is entitled “Development of a 4D trajectory prediction model for aircraft departures and assessment of the impact of mass availability on its predictions”.

November 12/15, 2024 – Program Committee Member for the 14th SESAR Innovation Days

November 7/8, 2024 – Program Committee Member for the 12th OpenSky Symposium.

September 29/October 3, 2024 – I will give a tutorial and present a paper at the 43rd DASC conference

September 11/13, 2024 – Technical Committee Member for the 2st International Conference for CBM in Aerospace

September 2024 – I was entitled the “Directeur de recherche” grade, which confers the equivalence to full professorship in PhD committees in France.

July 1/4, 2024 – We present two papers at the ICRAT conference, and a series of tutorial about ADS-B, the traffic and the OpenAP library.

June 7, 2024 – I will give two talks at the Open-Source tools for Air Traffic Management Modelling and Research workshop hosted by the University of Westminster. I will talk about open science, open software and the traffic library.

April 8/12, 2022 – I was on a research visit at the Center for Aviation at ZHAW in Winterthur, ZH, Switzerland.

February 2024 – I was entitled the French academic qualification for full professorship, in French, Qualification aux fonctions de professeurs des universités (section 27)


December 2023 – Program Committee Member for the 13th SESAR Innovation Days.

October 31, 2023 – I defended my Habilitation à diriger des recherches entitled Information extraction from large-scale aviation data.

October 30/31, 2023 – Program Committee Member, Local Chair for the 11th OpenSky Symposium hosted in Toulouse.

October 1/5, 2023 – Junzi Sun will present our paper OpenSky Report 2023: Low Altitude Traffic Awareness for Light Aircraft with FLARM at the DASC 2023 conference

July 2023 – Together with Junzi Sun, we have been awarded a one year Open Science Fund 2023 grant for the development of tangram.

June 30, 2023 – I served on the PhD committee for Sharmistha Chakrabarti, University of Central Florida. Optimal sequencing and scheduling algorithm for traffic flows based on extracted control actions near the airport

June 5/9, 2023 – We presented two papers at the Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, in Savannah, GA

April 25/28, 2023 – I was on a research visit at the Department of Science and Technology of Linköping University in Norrköping, Sweden.

February 20/24, 2023 – I was on a research visit at the Center for Aviation at ZHAW in Winterthur, ZH, Switzerland.


November 10/11, 2022 – Program Committee Member for the 10th OpenSky Symposium.

November 8, 2022 – I served on the PhD committee for Manuel Mateos Villar, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Machine Learning for Aircraft Trajectory Prediction: a Solution for Pre-tactical Air Traffic Flow Management

September 19, 2022 – I will run a tutorial at DASC 2022 conference on data analysis with OpenSky and the traffic library. I will also present our paper OpenSky Report 2022: Evaluating Aviation Emissions Using Crowdsourced Open Flight Data.

September 12, 2022 – We officially started the Journal of Open Aviation Science

June 20, 2022 – Florent Vergnes presented our paper Environmental Impact Optimisation of Flight Plans in a Fixed and Free Route network during ICRAT conference.

June 20, 2022 – I ran a tutorial on data analysis with the traffic library during ICRAT conference.

May 24/25, 2022 – Technical Committee Member for the 1st International Conference for CBM in Aerospace. Luis Basora presented our work Health monitoring of aircraft systems: challenges and perspectives based on a real-life study case (SCU system)

May 13, 2022 – I served on the PhD committee for Antoine Chevrot, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Detection of contextual anomalies in multivariate time-series using Neural Network models aiming the application in the Air Traffic Control Domain

April 25/29, 2022 – I was on a research visit at the Center for Aviation at ZHAW in Winterthur, ZH, Switzerland.


November 24, 2021 – I served on the PhD committee for Samantha Corrado, Georgia Tech. A Data-Driven Methodology to Analyze Air Traffic Management System Operations within the Terminal Airspace.

November 18/19, 2021 – Program Committee Member for the 9th OpenSky Symposium. Timothé Krauth presented our work Synthetic Aircraft Trajectory Generation with Statistical Copula-based Models.

November 17, 2021 – I ran a hands-on tutorial “in real life” on data analysis with OpenSky and the traffic library.

November 2021 – I participated in the #30DayMapChallenge

October 5, 2021 – Junzi Sun will present our OpenSky Report 2021: Insights on ADS-B Mandate and Fleet Deployment in Times of Crisis during DASC 2021 conference (online).

October 4, 2021I will run a tutorial (online) at DASC 2021 conference on data analysis with OpenSky and the traffic library.

September 21, 2021 – I will present our paper entitled A Framework to Evaluate Aircraft Trajectory Generation Methods (with Junzi Sun, Mayara Condé Rocha Murça and Timothé Krauth) during ATM Seminar (online)

September 3, 2021 – I have been invited to participate in a panel discussion about the impact, limitations, and practices of Machine Learning techniques applied to aviation during ENGAGE KTN workshop (online) on AI, ML and Automation.

July 12, 2021 – Sana Ikli defended her thesis around the Aircraft Landing Problem, entitled Méthodes exactes et heuristiques pour l’ordonnancement des atterissages d’avions

June 20, 2021 – Guest Editor for MDPI Aerospace Special Issue Application of Data Science to Aviation with Michael Schultz

June 7, 2021 – I will give a talk about the traffic Python library during the next MONDAIS webinar.

May 2021 – Editor for TU Delft OPEN Publishing

May 5, 2021 – My book Programmation Python avancée with Dunod Editions is now available.

March 1st, 2021 – The PDF for my (advanced) Python book is now in the hands of my editor at Dunod Editions.


November 12/13, 2020 – Technical Program Chair for the 8th OpenSky Symposium (online)