

Optimisation for Artificial Intelligence, a 4-day course

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Solving MILP problems with Python

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We remind the three dedicated libraries which we can use for solving LP and MILP problems:

The assignment problem

In the classical assignment problem, we look for an assignment of $n$ candidates on $n$ positions. For each couple (candidate, position) we have a measure of the interest of this association. The goal is to find the global assignment that maximises the interest. It is a combinatorial problem, as there are $n!$ possible assignments of the candidates on the positions.

In order to model this problem, we will use binary variables to represent the assignment of candidate $i$ on position $j$. The constraints must ensure that there is exactly one candidate assigned on each position.

Gains are modelled with the following matrix:

c_ij = [
    [ 8,  6,  7,  8,  9],
    [11,  7,  5,  8, 10],
    [ 8, 10,  9, 11,  6],
    [10,  9,  7,  8,  7],
    [11,  6,  9,  7,  8]
Exercice: You will find in the code/ folder an implementation of the assignment problem with the three libraries.
Replace integer variables with continous variables (think twice about the bounds) and run the solver again.
Solution (click to unfold)

We benefit here from the unimodularity of the A matrix: the vertices of the polyhedron $P = \{x \geq 0 \,|\, Ax = b\}$ all have integral components

A $m \times n, m\leq n$ matrix, is unimodular iff all the determinant values of $m \times m$ submatrices are 1 or -1.

The unit commitment problem

An energy company owns two power plants with the following features:

The two plants must produce in order to meet an electricity demande given in the file demand.txt (one line per hour for one week).

You must note that if a power plant produces electricity, it must run at least two consecutive hours.

Exercice: Model and implement the unit commitment problem with the library of your choice.

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