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The monthly digest #05

2 November 2018

Machine Learning

  • Spotify, how Machine Learning finds your new music

  • Machine Learning on encrypted data

  • Generating memoji from photos, feat. Donald Trump and Barack Obama emojis

  • Some GANs application to colorization of old B&W images, here and here

  • This would be more statistics and simulations than Machine Learning, but it is definitely worth the read for any data scientist: the inspection paradox and the waiting-time paradox


Air Traffic Management

  • Why the shortest (great-circle) route is not always the fastest

  • What an ATIS is, from the history to the data link version


  • Un hommage en quatre épisodes à Alan Turing. On parle de Bletchley Park, de mathématiques, de son jardin, de sa passion pour la course à pied, etc.

  • Le parfum d’Irak par @Feurat Alani, suite à sa série Twitter sur l’Irak de son enfance

  • Demain; pour raconter cette histoire, l’équipe se rend dans 10 pays: la France et l’île de la Réunion 🇫🇷, le Danemark 🇩🇰, la Finlande 🇫🇮, la Belgique 🇧🇪, l’Inde 🇮🇳, la Grande-Bretagne 🇬🇧, les États-Unis 🇺🇸 , la Suisse 🇨🇭, la Suède 🇸🇪 et l’Islande 🇮🇸…

  • 장마당, Jangmadang Generation, how people found their way around the regime and try to survive North Korea 🇰🇵

Command Line Tools


  • A history of the Lisp language, and its place in the computer science museum

  • Where Zen of Python (import this) comes from (source)

  • Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice

  • Well, this one is not programming, no corner case in the IEEE 754 specification for floating point numbers, just maths!