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List comprehensions

List comprehensions

You have two options to open the list_comprehensions.ipynb file (in the notebooks/ folder):

Exercices using list comprehensions and iterators

  1. Given a list of words, create a list that contains the length of these words.

  2. Given a list of potentially duplicated words, create a sorted list of unique words.

  3. Given a sentence, count the number of occurrences of each vowels in the text. (Think first about the structure you want to use)

  4. Write a set comprehension that contains all prime numbers less than 50.

  5. Given two lists of numbers, create a new list containing the pairwise sum of elements.

  6. Given a matrix as a list of list, use zip() to transpose the matrix.

  7. Given a list of elements, use enumerate() to find the index of the smallest item in the list.

  8. Given two list of integers, create a list of interleaved elements.

    >>> interleave(["un", "deux", "trois"], [1, 2, 3])
    ["un", 1, "deux", 2, "trois", 3]

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