Advanced and scientific Python


Materials to brush up your Python skills

View the Project on GitHub xoolive/pyclass

Set up an environment following a requirement file

We will be using Python 3.11 for the seminar, with a set of dependencies, including Numpy, Pandas, Jupyter Lab, etc.

  1. You could create such an environment named pyclass as follows:

    # conda create -n pyclass python=3.11 numpy matplotlib pandas jupyterlab

    But to make things easier here, we provide you with a file to describe the whole environment, called environment.yml, so just type the following command:

    mamba env create -f environment.yml

    You will be able to install any missing packages in your environment later, for example:

    conda install networkx  # slow
    mamba install networkx  # fast
    Warning    If you don't have your computer with you, an environment has been prepared for you on school's computers. Ask assistants about it.
  2. Now, every time you want to run any Python script or Jupyter Lab, you should start by activating the environment as explained in the output you get when you create an environment.

    # To activate this environment, use
    #     $ conda activate pyclass
    # To deactivate an active environment, use
    #     $ conda deactivate
  3. One more thing: set up your environment in your Visual Studio Code workspace.

    • double click on pyclass.code-workspace in the folder you cloned from GitHub. If your system seems confused, open Visual Studio Code first, then File > Open Workspace... ;
    • open any Python file in your environment;
    • select the Python version corresponding to the pyclass environment.

      • Click on the Python version:
        Select Python version

      • Here, both options are ok, but we recommend “Entire workspace”:
        Select scope

      • Pick the proper Python version:
        Select version

Now you should be ready to proceed!

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